Tuesday, June 12, 2012

My Jerusalem - Demos, Live, and B-Sides

Seeing Jeff Klein and the Afghan Whigs in fairly close proximity recently made me realize that I should probably be revisiting their respective catalogs. The recent heat wave and subsequent ushering in of the air conditioning season has made darkly warm fare like said same and the new Crooked Fingers attractive soundtracks for indoor recreation.

I've seen My Jerusalem a couple times in recent years and am pretty sure I enjoyed them.  I bought this collection from the MJ web presence in the last couple months after Jeff played in town last and only recently got around to giving it some serious spins. The ten songs are as billed: demos, b-sides and remixes, with a couple live tracks from Daytrotter and NPR for good measure, all pretty decent for the most part.  The live versions of Sweet Chariot and Proposition are probably the most compelling thing here, but anyone that is a fan of My Jerusalem would do well to pick this up.

That said, I'm not sure how available this is anymore, but the My Jerusalem web presence is probably as good a place as any to start looking.


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