Friday, January 7, 2011

Dead To Me - Wait For It

I have always been on the fence about Dead To Me. Like a lot of bands today (Lawrence Arms, Smoke Or Fire) they get lots of love from the kids but to this old bastard they always seemed just ok. While I'm sure the lack of JS-NYC affirmation is troubling, they have rebounded, adding Sam from VRGNS/New Mexican Disaster Squad and Ken from Western Addiction. I'm unsure as to whether this means that Dead To Me are relocating to Gainesville (or vice-versa), but the influx of FL into the franchise has prompted more enthusiasm than usual for DTM.

Wait For It, Wait For It was put together for the recent Dead To Me European tour and comes via Dutch label Shield Recordings. It's got three songs with big old hooky choruses that remind me a lot of Avail or D4. I don't remember correlating the two previously, but it works on this little slab of delight. I'd pick it up. Those that are more patient might decide to wait for the full-length coming on Brick Gun Records that reprises these three tracks and assumably adds a bunch more. I guess this means the Fat era is over? Wait and see, but check out Wait For It, Wait For It in the interim.


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