Given my long-time obsession with all-things rocking and Twin Cities spawned, it should not be so much of a surprise that JS-NYC is all about Gateway District. It's got half of Rivethead in its ranks, with a Soviette and a Salteen sharing vocal duties. One would be wise not to argue with that amalgamation. Like it's predecessor, it comes courtesy of the good folk of It's Alive and is full of two minute blasts of scrappy punk rock that should have any ambulatory human bouncing off the walls and singing along. Everything on
Perfect's Gonna Fail is pretty aces, but New Hands and Fishman's Story are particularly top-notch.
I believe that home/work duties and Banner Pilot/Dear Landlord touring precludes Gateway District from touring too much, but in the absence of being able to see them live, go out of your way to grab
Perfect's Gonna Fail. Here's a
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