As the internet is the best repository of misinformation there is, I checked the Hank's website (define: incongruous) to find that there was another band tagged on the bill, which sure made it seem like our heroes would be kicking it Wilson Pickett style and going on around the midnight hour. Oh, the wrongitude! I got a text around the ten o'clock hour from two-thirds of Aldenbarton that there were only three bands and that The Love Story were playing second. Cue one frantic sprint over the bridge.
The Love Story were up next to a packed room. It took a bit for them to sort out some sound issues but once they were ready, the kids really tore down the joint. Still no bass player, but save for the slap in the face to the low-end community, these kids sounded pretty damn great. It's not a surprise, but it's always a pleasure to be reminded. There's not too much in the way of frills: Molly can sing, the other two jokers can play, and the songs are just plain great. The sound got a little sketchy up front, but it was still good enough to send a lot of crappy Brooklyn rockers back to their rehearsal space early to play some catch-up. TLS were as sinuous and glossy as their new album's namesake, look for a review in the next week or so at JS-NYC. Trust me, while I appreciate your deference, you don't need my affirmation to go out and pick up Mink immediately. You can pick it up from Blonde Records here.Tell Ren JS-NYC sent you. The Love Story are playing some more shows in the coming weeks, including a show on 3/27 at the temporal timewarp that is The Cake Shop. Keep tabs on all the goings-on in The Love Story here.
I bailed before the Mount Olympus set, but TLS drum juggernaut Jason assured me that they kind of bring it. Check them out here. The force seems strong within them.
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