Wednesday, October 29, 2008

If You Make It demos, part six: Air Raid Barcelona

Part six, and for the time being, part last, of the If You Make It series. This installment features the good folk of Air Raid Barcelona, who are probably an ex-band at this juncture. Good stuff, cut from the same cloth as much of the IYMI fare. There's some stuff with the bass mixed high and driving things, some indie-rock guitars and the vocals are pretty much almost all-there. When the singer sticks to the monotone delivery, it almost gets a little Jawbreaker, but for the most part it seems like these songs would sound best a couple beers in at somebody's house, preferably through a shitty PA. See what you think.

 I would venture that most of the players in the ranks of Air Raid Barcelona are members of other bands featured on the If You Make It site, so if you get a taste for the sound, there's ample succor to fill the void. And, as I've reiterated some times previously, it's free. Get it the demo here and leave a damn donation, ingrate! 


1 comment:

Rut-a-tat-tat said...

another knock-out from the iymi franchise. this label could really be a going concern...